Saturday, June 30, 2007

We Arrived!

After about 24 hours of traveling, and a loss of a day, we arrived safely in Sri Lanka. The reality of our trip began when we dragged our luggage out the airport doors and could practically breathe the heat.

We were welcomed by Brother and Sister Mathiasz and led to our bus where we lined up and faced a group of bible school students and church members with beaming smiles. They welcomed us with beautiful gifts. The ladies gave handmade flower bouquets to each of our ladies and the men hung wreathes around the necks of our men. It was the kindest welcome any of us had ever received.

The bus ride to the hotel was a very scenic hour drive. As we passed by many little shops and people walking on the streets, the “light” air-conditioning in the bus suddenly became a luxury. I can’t say Sri Lanka’s like New York at all. However, to say the driving habits here are risky would be an understatement. Imagine that coming from New Yorkers!

We finally arrived at the hotel where a banner outside read: Hilton Colombo warmly welcomes Rev. Doug Davis and Team from Long Island, New York. Traditional Sri Lankan Dancers and Musicians welcomed our arrival with song and dance. We were led into the lobby for a traditional oil-lamp lighting ceremony. Pastor Doug, Sister Vicky, Brother Ralph, Brother Robert Linder, and Brother Mathiasz all lit the lamp. We were honestly treated like royalty here. This is one of the many things we will always be grateful to Brother and Sister Mathiasz and the country of Sri Lanka for.

We checked into the hotel and had only enough time to drop our luggage off before we had to back on the bus to head over to the church for sound check. As soon as we got off the bus, the church members were lined up in two rows waiting for our arrival. We walked through as they clapped excitedly for each of us. We have never felt more appreciated.

We quickly decided to return the kindness as the church members entered the church. We clapped enthusiastically for them too. They were shocked and some even looked behind them to see who we were clapping for. When they realized it was for them, many of them smiled and some put their hand on their heart.

We practiced a few songs in the very warm and humid night with the very last bit of energy we had left inside. Brother Mathiasz gave us a tour of the church and bible school. We headed back to the hotel for a Sri Lankan Buffet where we feasted on Sri Lankan and Thai cuisine and an assortment of exotic desserts.

We retired for the night after a long day. We have to be on the bus by 8:45 to head over to the church. We will be ministering in service at 10 am tomorrow morning. Please pray that awesome things happen in this service and that there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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