Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tea Party

Monday July 9, 2007

On Monday many of us went shopping at a craft market and various other stores for souvenirs and other items to take home. In the afternoon we got on the bus and headed to Bro. and Sis. Mathiasz beautiful home for an afternoon tea party. During this time thank you gifts were exchanged. Gifts were given from us to the travel agent and from us to Bro and Sis Matiasz. They in turn presented each of us with a gift bag containing curry powder and an authentic tea mug. We said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel where we would have to be back on the bus at 2am to depart for the airport for the long journey back home. Thank God for Bro and Sis Mathiasz and the churches in Sri Lanka. We will pray and fast for mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Sri Lanka.

Colombo Finale

Sunday July 8, 2007

After a change of plans and a hastily called service for 4pm on Sunday, we headed back to Colombo on Sunday morning. The Sunday service in Colombo normally starts at 9am, but on this Sunday there would be a change to 4pm. The original service was cancelled. We left Kandy on Sunday morning for the 3 1/2 hour bus ride back to Colombo. We arrived in Colombo at approximately 2:30pm with enough time to grab a bite to eat, get our new rooms, freshen up and get back on the bus and head to church. We arrived a few minutes after the service began at 4pm. The singing and worshipping could be heard as we approached the sanctuary. For a service time that was called that day, the sanctuary was mostly filled. This hot and humid afternoon was visible through our nearly drenched faces and clothing, but God’s presence was much more evident, so we didn’t seem to mind. We were just glad to be having service and we were thankful that everyone had arrived safely.

We sang a number of songs before Bro. Harold Linder preached. After a powerful message the altar call was given. The people responded as usual and the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way. At least 10 people were filled with the Holy Ghost and many lives were touched by the power of God. Bro. Mathiasz told us that unless he calls altar service to a close at some point, it would go on forever. Although only ten people went up when Brother Mathiasz called those who had received the Holy Ghost to come up to the front, many of us looked around for more that we had been praying with that had been filled. Many of them may have been too shy to come up or had left service already. The altar service this night lasted for about 1 1/2 hours.

At the end of all of this, there was a request for the choir to sing another song. The altar area was cleared and we obliged with one more song, There's No God Like Our God. It was a fitting song selection to end a great service and a great trip. When the service ended we all said our goodbyes to these beautiful people. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the work in Sri Lanka. This was a life-changing trip for all of us. Thank you Bethel and everyone else who was praying for us back home. You were with us in our hearts and you were there in Spirit. Please continue to pray for the people of Sri Lanka, for the work that God has already done and for what he will do in the future. The best is yet to come.

Saturday July 7, 2007

On Friday morning we left Kataragama and headed to Nuwara Eliya, which is 6000 feet above sea level. The temperature there was a lot cooler than in Colombo. We enjoyed the fresh breeze here. The temperature was in the 50s, making us reach for a sweater or light jacket. We were able to travel to an internet spot in the city to post for the blog.

Saturday morning was a very special morning. It started with a man we met at the hotel who told us that there is something about us that is different and he asked us to pray for him. He came into the bus and we all prayed for him. We then drove over to the place where we would have service.

The hall where we sang could seat over 1000 people. While we were practicing and doing sound checks, people started to fill the auditorium. The devil tried to sabotage the concert with several power outages before we could really get started. This pushed the starting time of the concert forward about an hour. The power would come and go. The generator was not powerful enough to provide light and sound. In the meantime there was singing and praying for the power to come back on and for God's will to be done. The choir sat on stage during this time praying for God to take control.

We were told that when the power did come back, we would only have it for half hour intervals. Miraculously, when the power came back it lasted for the entire concert, preaching and alter service. Bro. Robert Linder preached a great message while having to wait for two interpreters to interpret the message.

At the end of his message, while the choir took our places as the alter call was given, people flooded the altar for salvation and healing. People pushed forward to be prayed for. We could hardly get through praying for two or three people before someone else would ask you to pray for them and/or their children. It was almost overwhelming as large groups of people came to you to get prayed for. I cried out to God to give me more hands to pray for these people. You did not have to ask anyone if they wanted to pray. You didn’t have to force anyone to the altar. People rushed to feel something they have never felt before. They were hungry for what we had. Many of their eyes filled with tears before you even layed hands on them. This is when I realized they didn’t need me. God brought them here for a reason and he was going to bless them. God was going to fill their hunger and desire. He saw the sacrifice they made to get here and he would honor them.

This was an incredible experience, and in spite of the language barrier in most cases, these people were desperate for prayer. We prayed for as many as wanted to be prayed for,realizing that there was no way of knowing all of the needs that we were praying for and the miracles that God was doing and going to do in their
lives. Many lives were changed and blessed that day. It's not a stretch to say that we will probably never find out about all of the great things that God did in Nuwara Eliya. One thing we do know is that there were several miracles done on that day that will speak to a greater outpouring of the spirit in the months and years to come. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Ghost in Nuwara Eliya.

Saturday July 7, 2007 Photos

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Safari Day

Thursday July 5, 2007

We left Colombo on Thursday at 4 a.m. and traveled to Kataragama. That bus ride took approximately ten hours. It was an adventure to say the least. When we arrived in Kataragama, we were greeted by the hotel staff and an elephant that had a gift of flowers for us which he gave to Pastor Davis and Sister Vicky. Along the journey south we traveled along the coastline. The view was breathtaking. There were mountains and waterfalls that we could get lost staring at.We stopped several times along the way and saw many places that had been destroyed by the Tsunami. Many of them have been and are now being rebuilt. The Tsunami left 900,000 homeless and 41,000 dead. The water rose to as high as 280 feet. We passed by a clock tower that had been completely covered and not visible when the Tsunami hit it. One evidence of this destruction was a portion of a solid concrete railroad track that was twisted and lifted from the ground by the Tsunami killing 1400 people. The train was taken off the track and dragged one mile. I couldn’t believe we were driving through the exact place where the Tsunami hit. It was heartbreaking yet hopeful at the same time, as we saw the people rebuilding and restoring their homes.

We stopped and ate breakfast at a restaurant on the beach that had been destroyed by the Tsunami. In fact, this was the same seaside resort that Brother and Sister Mathiasz usually go to for vacation every year right after Christmas to spend a few days of rest and relaxation. Many of you may remember Brother Mathiasz's testimony on the reason why they were not there at the time that the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka. Since December 26th fell on a Sunday that year, they did not go to the restaurant because Brother Mathiasz insists on never missing a Sunday service. Because of his faithfulness, God spared their lives. However, because this resort had such sentimental meaning to the Mathiasz's, they have given money to help rebuild so that the business could get back on its feet. The family who owns the restaurant are Buddhists and they appreciate Brother and Sister Mathiasz's kindness and generosity so much. They fed us a wonderful breakfast right there on the beach which we really enjoyed. After breakfast, we all gathered around and prayed for the owner and her family. They smiled and shook our hands in appreciation.

When we arrived at the hotel in Kataragama, we were greeted by the
staff and an elephant that had a gift of flowers for us. The elephant
gave Pastor Davis and Sister Vickie a flower. There was a sign hanging
in the front of the hotel welcoming Pastor Davis and all of us to
their hotel. After our welcoming greeting, we had just enough time to
collect our luggage, freshen up and have a quick lunch before our 3
hour safari ride. We rode in the back of Safari-style Land Rover
Jeeps along dirt roads through the Safari. Needless to say, we all
got a good amount of dirt on us. We saw monkeys, deer, water
buffalos, elephants, Jackals, eagles, crocodiles, rare birds, and a
leopard. There were not as many animals out as usual because of the
hour of the day. The animals are usually seen roaming around in the
earlier hours of the day and since we arrived in Kataragama in the
late afternoon, the animals were resting in the shade.

Thursday night, we visited many Buddhist and Hindu Temples and
Shrines. We visited the most sacred Shrine in Sri Lanka. As we walked
toward the temples and shrines, we passed many stands selling flowers
and fruit. These things were not being sold as food to eat. They were
taken as offerings to their gods. Also along the way to the shrines
there was a river where the people wash before they step into the
shrines. There was a sign that led into the fenced off area that read
when translated, 'This is holy ground so come in as a holy man.' We
saw the way they worshipped, sacrificed, and gave offerings to their
gods. They spent hours sitting outside their temples bare-footed and
knelt before the shrines of their gods. We will not forget the incredible devotion and sacrifices that these people have to their gods.

Traveling to Kataragama

Here are just a few photos from Thursday. We are trying to add more photos but the internet and computer situation is not the best. When we arrive back in Colombo, we should be able to add more photos.

Cool Slideshows!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Elephant Parade

Hello everyone, we are finally able to have access to the internet. We just arrived at the hotel in Nuwara Eliya. The hotel that we are staying in is actually a former British Governor’s mansion. It is located 6000 feet above sea level and is absolutely beautiful. I am currently using a computer at an internet spot in the city. We did not have internet access in the hotel in which we stayed last night, and we have been traveling for the past three days.

First off, we hope everyone had a happy Independence Day! Ours was unforgettable! It started with a three hour bus ride to the Elephant Orphanage. There, we were able to feed, bathe, and ride the elephants. Many of them were babies who were found sick or hurt and taken to the orphanage to be nursed to health. One adorable baby elephant was missing half of a leg that was blown off by a landmine. It broke our hearts to see.

We all really enjoyed ourselves. We were able to feed them bananas, pet them, take pictures with them and also watch the parade of elephants make there way down to the river to bathe themselves. The baby elephants stuck close by their mothers who used their trunks to bathe them.

We all rushed to the scene with our cameras as Sister Fotine got into the river to help bathe the elephants. She had been looking forward to doing this the entire trip! After bathing and feeding the elephants, we went to another location where many of us rode on the elephants two at a time. It was truly an unforgettable experience!

We also took a guided tour of a spice garden and were able to purchase and try out many natural herbs and spices that all serve different purposes. It was very interesting to think of the way we pop aspirin and other medicines and use costly cosmetic products but the Sri Lankans make use of the things that come straight from the earth.

We arrived back at the hotel in the late evening with enough time to eat dinner and pack up our things. We had to be in the bus at 4 a.m. on Thursday morning for a ten hour drive to Kataragama.

Elephant Parade

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day Two of Bible School

Here is a Report on Tuesady July 3rd's Bible School Classes:

Day two of Bible School Classes was awesome once again. God spoke to Pastor Davis about these pastors and ministers who came for the seminars. He told them that they were the only hope for the nation of Sri Lanka. It will be through these people that there will be peace in this country. “I believe I am looking at some of the most important people in the country,” he told them. Sri Lanka will be changed through people using the Holy Ghost rather than false gods and idols. These people have a very important role. They are surrounded by evil spirits and false worship. They are the nation’s only hope, only chance at salvation.

Bethel was truly privileged to be able to minister to these eager brothers and sisters. They sat up in their seats and listened carefully to everything we preached to them. I watched them take notes. I watched them lean forward as if to hear the best they possibly could. I watched them worship at the closing of service. I watched as the men rushed to the altar and dropped to their knees, as they embraced each other in prayer. The women broke through in the spirit. Their extravagant praise could surely be heard in the neighboring homes. These people will go home changed. They will use what they have heard in their own churches. They will use what they have heard to win souls and set their ministries on fire for God. Today God has prepared these people for their future. As Pastor Davis said, “Be what God wants you to be today and you will be what he wants you to be in the future.”

This trip has been so amazing for us so far. We are overwhelmed with God’s presence and what He is doing in the lives of the people of Sri Lanka. We have only been here for four days and there is such a strong bond between the people of Bethel and the people of the church in Sri Lanka. We have fallen in love with these people and they have made it easy for us to love them. They have opened their hearts to us and allowed us the minister to them. We will never forget them and they will truly be missed when we leave.

One woman that I spoke to came from a Buddhist family. Her husband and two small children are serving God but her family is still Buddhist. I had been taking pictures of her precious one year old Ezekiel. After we had spoken a while, she told me that she has some family in New York. I gave her this blog site and told her I would put up pictures of her baby. She can tell her Buddhist family in New York that her baby is famous. He is on the internet. She was so excited about our plan and the “ulterior motives” we had. She said that her family will see the pictures of the people worshipping and read about the miracles that God is doing and they will ask her many questions. Please pray that they will be touched by this. Also pray for her mother, Kamminie. She is a Buddhist and will be coming to the services this weekend.

So far, twenty people have recieved the Holy Ghost during the services and seminars. I asked some of the members of the church here about their usual services and what they are like. I was told that the people of Sri Lanka are definitely worshippers. However, for seventeen people to receive the Holy Ghost is absolutely amazing. A young Aimer who has been helping at the church and bible school here since May, has not seen anyone get the Holy Ghost. I now understood why these people were so grateful to us for coming and ministering. However, it was not us that did this. It was God that saw their hunger and their sacrifice.


We walk down these streets with our clean clothes and pockets full of material wealth, passing hundreds of hungry people. And what they need is not the pizza and water that we’re craving. What they need is not the rest that our weary bodies are needing. What they need cannot be purchased from any vendor or shop we pass. What they need is Jesus. They need this awesome truth. As our hands reach into our pockets, we keep too much inside. We have Jesus. We have the truth. We have exactly what they need and hunger for. Will you give it to them? Will you feed my children?

I walk down this street in search of something I cannot find in the states. I want the bring back something beautiful. My fingers graze these beautiful fabrics, silk dresses, and beaded sandals that I cannot find back home. But these people are searching for something else. I may want what they have, but they need what I have. These people don’t need my American dollars, they need the truth. The truth that I hold in my heart.

Baptized In Jesus Name

As we have shared with you, eight people got baptized in Jesus name on Sunday July 1st. Each of them carried a story, a background, a unique past with them into the water. They stepped inside the water, many of them smiling brightly, and some with faces touched by God, with eyes filled with tears. As I watched each one become immersed into the water and rise a new person, everyone around rejoiced. It was a beautiful sound. But what about the sounds from heaven? Imagine what the voices of the angels sound like as they rejoice as people are saved. We see people rising up out of the water and lifting their hands toward heaven. What does it look like from heaven? Like a star being born, making the world a little brighter with each one. Each person that rises up out the water is a star shining on earth so that the world can see the light of the Lord.

Here are some of their stories:

The first to be baptized was a Trinitarian pastor’s wife. The pastor and his wife were among the seventeen who received the holy ghost in this church and are both now baptized in Jesus name.

The second was a young girl that I mentioned in Sunday’s blog entry. She had tried to end her life. She came to service on Sunday because it was advertised as a free concert with a choir from The United States. She came with her sister. Pastor Davis started to tell a story about a woman who was very educated. The woman he told us of had many degrees. She was successful. She seemed to have everything going for her. However, she felt so empty inside. Nothing could fill this void in her heart. There was something on the inside that told her that there must be more than this. There must be more to life than just living. She tried everything she knew to try. Nothing seemed to satisfy her. She came to the conclusion that life was not worth living. She stopped eating. She decided that there was no use going on any further. She decided to end her life. She went to her calendar. She marked the day she would end her life. Two weeks before that date, someone spoke to her and invited her to church. At first she thought that the people were all crazy, worshipping the way they did. However, she began to feel the presence of God. At the close of the service, she went to the altar. God baptized her with the Holy Ghost and the hunger she had on the inside, for the first time, was satisfied. God satisfied her hunger. That was twenty years ago. Pastor called on Sister Fotine to stand up. She is still living for God today. The young Sri Lankan girl in service whispered to her sister, “How does he know about my life?” It wasn’t until he said that it had been twenty years and asked Fotine to stand that she realized it was not her he spoke of. However, she was so touched by the testimony that she rushed to the altar and got the Holy Ghost. We watched her get baptized in Jesus name.

The third person was another Trinitarian preacher from the Trinitarian church in town. He just came for a free concert. He was so touched by the service and wanted to be baptized in Jesus name.

The fourth and fifth was a couple that lost their homes in the Tsunami. They carried their blind baby and ran for their lives. As they were about the lose their lives, the wave stopped. They survived. God had other plans for them. They were Buddhist but they came to church and God ministered to their lives. Today they were both baptized in Jesus name. Please pray for their blind baby. We have a miracle-working God and with Him nothing is impossible.

The sixth and seventh were Buddhist women and the eighth was a Hindu girl. They also came to hear a concert. We are witnessing true miracles.

"A Hungry Plane"

I think it is so fitting that the theme of the trip this far has been about hunger. On the plane ride to Sri Lanka, as I struggled to find comfort in my itchy seat as I slept on a tightly packed airplane, I woke up and reached into my bag for my journal. I placed the book on the tray table and began to write, mindful not to wake my brother or Jen. During the first service here in Sri Lanka, as I listened to Pastor Davis speak about hunger, it reconfirmed the needs of these people and our duty to fulfill them in our short time here. These are the words that were given to me:

You know the feeling when you’ve eaten enough? You’re satisfied and you slouch back in your seat with a half smirk and sigh. You feel like if you never ate again you’d be fine. You are satisfied.

But then suddenly you find yourself sitting up and going back for more. Someone once told me this is your “second wind.” Before you’ve had time to digest, you find yourself eating again. This is how God must feel. He loves our worship and praise and it pleases him, but he is getting his second wind. He wants more and more from us, from his people and he is not satisfied after the first course. He wants to see all his children fed, more and more. He is not satisfied till we have fed them all.

And when we’re drained, and we feel as if we’ve praised and we’ve worshipped, and we’ve ministered enough, as if we’ve given these people what they’ve come for, what we think they need, God whispers, “That was only a taste. We’ve only wet their appetites. I’ve only begun to do a work. Give them another course. I am ready for my second wind.”

I can’t wait to see what God will do on this trip. As I watch these people board the plane and walk the aisles, you can almost see the hunger in their eyes. We are traveling to a very spiritual country. People are very committed and dedicated to religion. They will sacrifice anything and give themselves completely to their beliefs. They are not ashamed to worship. They are not weary in their sacrifice. However it is often for false gods. They will worship a man-made symbol of a false god, a false spirit. A god that cannot do anything for them in return. Who cannot heal them or save them. Regardless, they tarry on. They build greater and more extravagant idols. They will do more and sacrifice more because their hunger is not satisfied. If I build a bigger statue, my god will bless me. If I add more gold, my god will heal me. If I spend all my time in the temple, my god will surely honor me this time. This time, soon, one day….but the hunger remains.

God, move through us on this trip. Let your Spirit rush over these people. Bring your appetites. Taste and see.

New Friends

It's so good to hear from everyone. Thank you for leaving the comments, they are a blessing and inspiration to us. I'm very happy that the blog has been a blessing to everyone. This blog is reaching more and more people, in fact there is a family in the church here that have buddhists realatives in new york. Their picture will appear on here soon. We will post their picture here so it can be a witness to their family in NY. There will be many more pictures posted for you to see. These last few days have only been the tip of the iceberg. We will be travelling to a different area of Sri Lanka in a couple of days, where the expectation is great for a mighty move of God.
Today's seminars were once again impactful. These people and this nation is so ripe for a major outpouring of the Holy Ghost. You can feel it in the air. I will have more to say about today's sessions for everyone tomorrow. I have added some pictures for you all to enjoy, especially for the families who miss their loved ones. Thank God for the new friends that we have met.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bible School Day One

Click on the title "Bible School Day One" to view the slide show in another window. I would like to thank Lori Cohen for the beautiful photos and for putting together the slide show.

Bible School Day One

Today bible school classes started at 9 a.m. There were about 45 pastors and licensed ministers and their wives who came to today’s seminars that were taught by Bethel’s leadership. Many of them traveled over seven hours to get here. They were all very eager to hear what we had to say and to learn about how to make their own churches and future churches better. The classes were taught by

Pastor Doug Davis- Leadership
Brother Tom Vanya- Discipleship
Brother Robert Cattani- Home Care Group
Sister Joyce Sowinski/Brother Dean Byfield – Youth Ministry
Brother Ralph Ausanio- Mandates of
Brother Robert Linder- Men’s Ministry
Sister Vicky Davis- Woman’s Ministry
Brother Alex and his team- Puppet Ministry
Sister Lori Cohan- Children’s Ministry
Brother Robert Linder- Living life on God’s clock.

There was in incredible move of God in both the ladies and men’s ministry seminars, that were held simultaneously. Toward the end of the men’s seminar there was a roar of worship and praise that went up to God as the Holy Ghost swept into the sanctuary where the men were taught. It was so loud that the ladies in the adjacent building could barely hear Sis. Vickie as she taught. This lasted for some time. Then as the men closed out their seminar, the power of the Holy Ghost swept into where the ladies were like a wave, causing an eruption of worship and praise to God. At the end of both seminars, as if on cue, the rain came down pouring down outside.

These classes lasted until 7:00 p.m with a break-through altar service. Ministers and men of God rushed to the altar and fell to their knees and recommitted their lives to God after Brother Robert Linder ended his message. It was overwhelming to witness such a tremendous move of the Holy Ghost in these people’s lives. Their worship was extravagant. In closing, brother Mathiasz emphasized that today’s seminars were God-ordained. He was excited about what took place here today. As the superintendent of Sri Lanka, he is well aware of the needs of the pastors and leadership in this nation. The Lord used us to minister to the needs of these people in a powerful way.

Tomorrow there will be another full day of bible school classes at the church.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Holy Ghost Outpouring!

We got on the bus this morning at 8:45 a.m. and headed over to the church. We prayed in the bus that God would have his way in the service. There has been an immediate bonding that has already taken place between our group and the people of Sri Lanka. They have been so incredibly kind to all of us. People we don’t even know are greeting us with smiles and kind words everywhere we go. Several hotel staff members have asked us to pray for their sick children and family.

When we arrived at the church this morning, the entire congregation formed two lines as they awaited our arrival. As we walked through, they all clapped for us. We felt so unworthy of the kindness that was bestowed upon us.

Service opened with Brother Mathiasz and Brother Subash leading praise and worship. The Holy Ghost began to move throughout the building. The choir sang a few songs and the puppet team ministered to the children. The second time the choir went up to minister, there was a shift in the spirit. The worship was no longer reserved, but extravagant. There was an awesome move of God and people were worshipping and praising God, many of them for the first time. It was so beautiful to see the sincere worship of the people of Sri Lanka.

After the choir finished singing, Pastor Doug spoke to the congregation about hunger. Sometimes there are only certain things that satisfy us. Being away from home many of us can relate to wanting our wives’ or mother’s cooking. This is the kind of food that would “satisfy us.” He asked the congregation if they were hungry. Have you ever seen grown men after they have worked hard all day long? Don’t get in their way because they are hungry. No one has to ask them if they want to eat. No one has to explain to them what it is. No one has to beg them. People are hungry for something today. In the United States people are hungry for money. They will do anything to get more money. They will neglect their families, work holidays, lie, cheat and steal. ‘Is there anybody in the house today that has a hunger in your heart for Jesus Christ? Something that says I must get to Jesus? Why, because I have a hunger for God.’

He spoke about the woman in the bible that was sick for twelve years. No doctor or amount of money could heal or help her. But one day, somebody told her that Jesus is coming to town and he can heal, save, and deliver. Something happened inside of her. She had a hunger. ‘If I could just touch him. No one has to lay hands on me. No one has to convince me. If I could just touch him.’ She pushed her frail sickly body through the jostling crowd of people eager to see Jesus. She was pushed and shoved but nothing could stop her. She had a hunger for God. She reached the place where Jesus was. She was unable to speak to him. She couldn’t touch his hands or face. But the hunger in her heart gave her faith to believe. She reached out and touched the hem of his garment and all that the doctors could not do in twelve years was done in one moment. Despite all that had touched Him that day, Jesus felt that woman’s touch. It was unlike any other because He could feel her hunger. “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you whole.”

The altar call was incredible. The floor was packed so tightly that you could hardly get to the altar. There were families praying all together, men, women, and children. People were slain in the spirit. God moved like a wave across the floor. One after the other, people opened their hearts and were filled with the Spirit. 17 people received the Holy Ghost during this service, all of them carrying a story. Many of them came from Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds and had never been in a Pentecostal service. However, the presence of God was so strong, it covered the entire building. They could not help but get touched, God was moving everywhere. 8 people were baptized in Jesus name. We rejoiced with them as they were cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus.

Through Sister Fotine’s testimony, a young woman in the congregation was saved. She had tried to end her life shortly before today and as Pastor Doug told of Fotine’s testimony, the young woman sat in astonishment as she thought he was speaking about her. “How does he know about my life?” she said to her sister. She was so touched by this living testimony and blessed by seeing what God has done to someone in the same situation as her that she went straight to the altar and received the Holy Ghost. We watched as she was also baptized in Jesus name.

One precious woman, Tanuja, that I met on Saturday had been praying for the Holy Ghost for several weeks at least. Tanuja had wanted it more than anything and had gotten caught up in trying so hard to receive it. However, this Sunday she prayed for the first-time visitors. She told God: “Today is about the visitors. I will get mine before the end of the crusade, but today I will pray for everyone else.” Twice while she prayed, she wanted to go and sit down. However God told her to stay. To wait. To keep praying for others. It was when she stopped focusing on everything else that God blessed her. He saw how she humbled herself and blessed her for it. It was then that she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Her response was “I feel so good, I can’t stop smiling.” Praise God.

The people of Sri Lanka told us that they almost didn’t know what to do during the service because they where so overwhelmed. They didn’t know whether to clap or stand or lift their hands. Many just sat there and cried and wept in the spirit.
We thank God for all he has done so far. We can only imagine what else God has in store for the remainder of this trip. We have seen miracles take place in just one day. Thank you for all your prayers back home, you are truly with us in our hearts. We have taken your sincere worship with us.

Holy Ghost Outpouring Photos

These are just a few of our photos from today. We will be preparing a slide show with captions of today's service for you to enjoy. Keep checking in for it. We welcome and appreciate your comments, it keeps us connected with home.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

We Arrived!

After about 24 hours of traveling, and a loss of a day, we arrived safely in Sri Lanka. The reality of our trip began when we dragged our luggage out the airport doors and could practically breathe the heat.

We were welcomed by Brother and Sister Mathiasz and led to our bus where we lined up and faced a group of bible school students and church members with beaming smiles. They welcomed us with beautiful gifts. The ladies gave handmade flower bouquets to each of our ladies and the men hung wreathes around the necks of our men. It was the kindest welcome any of us had ever received.

The bus ride to the hotel was a very scenic hour drive. As we passed by many little shops and people walking on the streets, the “light” air-conditioning in the bus suddenly became a luxury. I can’t say Sri Lanka’s like New York at all. However, to say the driving habits here are risky would be an understatement. Imagine that coming from New Yorkers!

We finally arrived at the hotel where a banner outside read: Hilton Colombo warmly welcomes Rev. Doug Davis and Team from Long Island, New York. Traditional Sri Lankan Dancers and Musicians welcomed our arrival with song and dance. We were led into the lobby for a traditional oil-lamp lighting ceremony. Pastor Doug, Sister Vicky, Brother Ralph, Brother Robert Linder, and Brother Mathiasz all lit the lamp. We were honestly treated like royalty here. This is one of the many things we will always be grateful to Brother and Sister Mathiasz and the country of Sri Lanka for.

We checked into the hotel and had only enough time to drop our luggage off before we had to back on the bus to head over to the church for sound check. As soon as we got off the bus, the church members were lined up in two rows waiting for our arrival. We walked through as they clapped excitedly for each of us. We have never felt more appreciated.

We quickly decided to return the kindness as the church members entered the church. We clapped enthusiastically for them too. They were shocked and some even looked behind them to see who we were clapping for. When they realized it was for them, many of them smiled and some put their hand on their heart.

We practiced a few songs in the very warm and humid night with the very last bit of energy we had left inside. Brother Mathiasz gave us a tour of the church and bible school. We headed back to the hotel for a Sri Lankan Buffet where we feasted on Sri Lankan and Thai cuisine and an assortment of exotic desserts.

We retired for the night after a long day. We have to be on the bus by 8:45 to head over to the church. We will be ministering in service at 10 am tomorrow morning. Please pray that awesome things happen in this service and that there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.