Friday, June 22, 2007

Preparing For The Trip...

Welcome to the online blog for our Sri Lanka Missions Trip 2007.

We've all been practicing and praying for this trip...only 6 more days!! We expect great things in Jesus name!!

Matthew 28:19: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel and minister.


Anonymous said...

I know that God is going to be there with you guys, i really wish i had known about the trip sooner so i could have gone its going to be awesome. i think the best thing i could advise that someone do for that long of a flight (i've had the pleasure) is bring a pair of headphones, blanket and pillow, sleep alot it makes te time pass rather well.

Anonymous said...

We are waiting for news of your safe arrival in Sri Lanka. We are thankful the London situation was diffused before your layover there. We Bethelites are praying for you all. God bless! Brenda Vayna

Anonymous said...

I love you Anna, Michael, and Jasmine. Love Ralph

Anonymous said...

Johnny's the fried pepperoni in Sri Lanka ??..just kidding. We are praying for you all and know that the Lord will do great things and bless your time there. Bring some of that revival back to da island...
Love, The Mauro's and Cherry's

jessica said...

John G,
We Love and miss you. We are praying for you all every day.
The baby seen your picture with the flowers around your neck and said you looked like a girl!!
Cant wait to see you, Gob Bless you all,
love Lauren, Baby John, Jess, Kevin & Lucille

Anonymous said...

The scriptures says a good report make the bones fat

Anonymous said...

The scriptures says, a good report makes the bones fat. As i read the reports, i am truly blessed as i read what God is doing there in Sri Lanka. We Bethelites are praying for you all as you minister to these precious people of Sri Lanka. God bless you all.