Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day Two of Bible School

Here is a Report on Tuesady July 3rd's Bible School Classes:

Day two of Bible School Classes was awesome once again. God spoke to Pastor Davis about these pastors and ministers who came for the seminars. He told them that they were the only hope for the nation of Sri Lanka. It will be through these people that there will be peace in this country. “I believe I am looking at some of the most important people in the country,” he told them. Sri Lanka will be changed through people using the Holy Ghost rather than false gods and idols. These people have a very important role. They are surrounded by evil spirits and false worship. They are the nation’s only hope, only chance at salvation.

Bethel was truly privileged to be able to minister to these eager brothers and sisters. They sat up in their seats and listened carefully to everything we preached to them. I watched them take notes. I watched them lean forward as if to hear the best they possibly could. I watched them worship at the closing of service. I watched as the men rushed to the altar and dropped to their knees, as they embraced each other in prayer. The women broke through in the spirit. Their extravagant praise could surely be heard in the neighboring homes. These people will go home changed. They will use what they have heard in their own churches. They will use what they have heard to win souls and set their ministries on fire for God. Today God has prepared these people for their future. As Pastor Davis said, “Be what God wants you to be today and you will be what he wants you to be in the future.”

This trip has been so amazing for us so far. We are overwhelmed with God’s presence and what He is doing in the lives of the people of Sri Lanka. We have only been here for four days and there is such a strong bond between the people of Bethel and the people of the church in Sri Lanka. We have fallen in love with these people and they have made it easy for us to love them. They have opened their hearts to us and allowed us the minister to them. We will never forget them and they will truly be missed when we leave.

One woman that I spoke to came from a Buddhist family. Her husband and two small children are serving God but her family is still Buddhist. I had been taking pictures of her precious one year old Ezekiel. After we had spoken a while, she told me that she has some family in New York. I gave her this blog site and told her I would put up pictures of her baby. She can tell her Buddhist family in New York that her baby is famous. He is on the internet. She was so excited about our plan and the “ulterior motives” we had. She said that her family will see the pictures of the people worshipping and read about the miracles that God is doing and they will ask her many questions. Please pray that they will be touched by this. Also pray for her mother, Kamminie. She is a Buddhist and will be coming to the services this weekend.

So far, twenty people have recieved the Holy Ghost during the services and seminars. I asked some of the members of the church here about their usual services and what they are like. I was told that the people of Sri Lanka are definitely worshippers. However, for seventeen people to receive the Holy Ghost is absolutely amazing. A young Aimer who has been helping at the church and bible school here since May, has not seen anyone get the Holy Ghost. I now understood why these people were so grateful to us for coming and ministering. However, it was not us that did this. It was God that saw their hunger and their sacrifice.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these for us.
The whole group is in our prayers.

The best way to reach a Buddist is to tell them of God's love for them. HIS love and peace will win them over. Keep on being a light for His glory!

Brother Will & Sister Joann said...

Hi everyone!

Wow...what incredible reports. Wish we could have been with you. We are praying for you all daily. Did Sister Fotine bring her GPS into the jungle...don't want her to take a wrong turn!

Brother Will, Sister Joann & Giovanni

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Cathy....
I am getting chills reading the praise reports happening in Sri Lanka. We serve an awesome God!! I can't wait to see what happens in the remainder of the trip...Thank you for keeping us updated with information and pictures..it kinda makes me feel like I'm there. I love you guys!!!
:) Adrienne

Anonymous said...

I know it's after 9 am in the morning in Colombo..I'm hoping that this reaches my fellow Bethelites before you leave for services today. Please add Ryan to your prayers this morning. It's 11:45 pm in NY,and we've already been to the Emergency Room once with Ryan for possible dehydration (possibly going again soon).He has some sort of stomach virus that is preventing him from holding anything down...with a lot coming out at the other end. Sorry for the details but I wanted to ask for prayer for him as I know this is the best thing for him.I felt that this would be a good avenue to potentially reach out.Thanks so much and I pray that the Lord continue to move in Sri Lanka...(and in baby Ryan)Thank God we serve a God that can do ALL things !!...Joe Mauro

Anonymous said...

All seems to be going well over there. It's nice to hear. The only thing I can say is to let God's virtue flow through each of you, just like it flowed through Jesus to the woman with the blood issue. Remember all of you are physicians, there to help the sick in spirit, just like Jesus was the physician to this sick world.

Ben and Cheronda

Anonymous said...

Cathy, your reports are beautiful and what God is doing is even more beautiful! We are thinking of you all and praying for all of you during this incredible experience. Send our love to everybody. Love, Marc and Robynn