Sunday, July 1, 2007

Holy Ghost Outpouring!

We got on the bus this morning at 8:45 a.m. and headed over to the church. We prayed in the bus that God would have his way in the service. There has been an immediate bonding that has already taken place between our group and the people of Sri Lanka. They have been so incredibly kind to all of us. People we don’t even know are greeting us with smiles and kind words everywhere we go. Several hotel staff members have asked us to pray for their sick children and family.

When we arrived at the church this morning, the entire congregation formed two lines as they awaited our arrival. As we walked through, they all clapped for us. We felt so unworthy of the kindness that was bestowed upon us.

Service opened with Brother Mathiasz and Brother Subash leading praise and worship. The Holy Ghost began to move throughout the building. The choir sang a few songs and the puppet team ministered to the children. The second time the choir went up to minister, there was a shift in the spirit. The worship was no longer reserved, but extravagant. There was an awesome move of God and people were worshipping and praising God, many of them for the first time. It was so beautiful to see the sincere worship of the people of Sri Lanka.

After the choir finished singing, Pastor Doug spoke to the congregation about hunger. Sometimes there are only certain things that satisfy us. Being away from home many of us can relate to wanting our wives’ or mother’s cooking. This is the kind of food that would “satisfy us.” He asked the congregation if they were hungry. Have you ever seen grown men after they have worked hard all day long? Don’t get in their way because they are hungry. No one has to ask them if they want to eat. No one has to explain to them what it is. No one has to beg them. People are hungry for something today. In the United States people are hungry for money. They will do anything to get more money. They will neglect their families, work holidays, lie, cheat and steal. ‘Is there anybody in the house today that has a hunger in your heart for Jesus Christ? Something that says I must get to Jesus? Why, because I have a hunger for God.’

He spoke about the woman in the bible that was sick for twelve years. No doctor or amount of money could heal or help her. But one day, somebody told her that Jesus is coming to town and he can heal, save, and deliver. Something happened inside of her. She had a hunger. ‘If I could just touch him. No one has to lay hands on me. No one has to convince me. If I could just touch him.’ She pushed her frail sickly body through the jostling crowd of people eager to see Jesus. She was pushed and shoved but nothing could stop her. She had a hunger for God. She reached the place where Jesus was. She was unable to speak to him. She couldn’t touch his hands or face. But the hunger in her heart gave her faith to believe. She reached out and touched the hem of his garment and all that the doctors could not do in twelve years was done in one moment. Despite all that had touched Him that day, Jesus felt that woman’s touch. It was unlike any other because He could feel her hunger. “Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you whole.”

The altar call was incredible. The floor was packed so tightly that you could hardly get to the altar. There were families praying all together, men, women, and children. People were slain in the spirit. God moved like a wave across the floor. One after the other, people opened their hearts and were filled with the Spirit. 17 people received the Holy Ghost during this service, all of them carrying a story. Many of them came from Buddhist and Hindu backgrounds and had never been in a Pentecostal service. However, the presence of God was so strong, it covered the entire building. They could not help but get touched, God was moving everywhere. 8 people were baptized in Jesus name. We rejoiced with them as they were cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus.

Through Sister Fotine’s testimony, a young woman in the congregation was saved. She had tried to end her life shortly before today and as Pastor Doug told of Fotine’s testimony, the young woman sat in astonishment as she thought he was speaking about her. “How does he know about my life?” she said to her sister. She was so touched by this living testimony and blessed by seeing what God has done to someone in the same situation as her that she went straight to the altar and received the Holy Ghost. We watched as she was also baptized in Jesus name.

One precious woman, Tanuja, that I met on Saturday had been praying for the Holy Ghost for several weeks at least. Tanuja had wanted it more than anything and had gotten caught up in trying so hard to receive it. However, this Sunday she prayed for the first-time visitors. She told God: “Today is about the visitors. I will get mine before the end of the crusade, but today I will pray for everyone else.” Twice while she prayed, she wanted to go and sit down. However God told her to stay. To wait. To keep praying for others. It was when she stopped focusing on everything else that God blessed her. He saw how she humbled herself and blessed her for it. It was then that she was filled with the Holy Ghost. Her response was “I feel so good, I can’t stop smiling.” Praise God.

The people of Sri Lanka told us that they almost didn’t know what to do during the service because they where so overwhelmed. They didn’t know whether to clap or stand or lift their hands. Many just sat there and cried and wept in the spirit.
We thank God for all he has done so far. We can only imagine what else God has in store for the remainder of this trip. We have seen miracles take place in just one day. Thank you for all your prayers back home, you are truly with us in our hearts. We have taken your sincere worship with us.


Anonymous said...

Cathy - You are a doing a great job with communicating what is going on there. Everytime I read what's happening I feel the Lord's presence and my eyes well up. I am in awe and filled with gratitude for what the Lord is doing there in your midst. Without a doubt, your lives will forever be changed by this experience. Can't wait for your next entry - and more pics. Please tell Ralph we miss him so much! Anna & I are praying for you all. Jasmine

Anonymous said...

Cathy - Amen to Jasmine's comment on your wonderful job letting us know what's happening there. I wrote a report about 8 being baptized, 17 being filled with the Holy Ghost and 120 first time visitors at the Colombo crusade and Bishop Davis read it in our Sunday service. Bethelites clapped and praised God enthusiastically for what is happening in Sri Lanka.

Tom - Appreciate the phone calls. We miss you but are glad you are doing God's work. Much love.

Anonymous said...

Rev.Dough Davis & Mrs. Vickie Davis and all the team members....

Our Heartful Thanks for your love, caring and Kindness to us and Sri Lanka. Most of all for all the Powerful teaching, Preaching & Singing...!
We were so blessed!
We are so grateful and Thankful to God, Our Pastor Rev Prince Mathiasz , Sister Suzana and all of you.
We Pray that God will use you all more and more during your stay. We Pray God will bless you all in a Mighty way!!!!

Tania and Tiran
UPC – Mt. Lavinia
Sri Lanka

Unknown said...

I am getting chills reading. As I sit in my cubicle at work I can feel an awesome presence of the Lord. You are doing an awesome job keeping us updated, thank you so much. We are praying for you all and love you very much! Awesome things are happening and Im excited!!

Anonymous said...


As are a great writer. I am so excited about what God is doing over there. As I sit here and read what the Lord is doing, my heart is overflowed with joy! I wish I was there with you all. We are praying for you. Thank you for keeping us updated!! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy- You're doing a great job keeping us up to date with what's going on. I'm very happy to see the faces of people crying out to the Lord. I'm praying for you guys. We had an awesome time in church on Sunday. It’s so good to know that God is with you guys and still here at home with us. We are praying much for all of you. We are expecting a great harvest. Love Tashema.

Anonymous said...

The services sound so beautiful! Cathy, you are doing a fabulous job detailing the highlights of the trip so far! I pray that God continues to bless and pour out his awesome spirit on every one of you visiting in Sri Lanka! In Jesus Name! God Bless You All Sri Lankan Bethelites!! Love Stef & Charlie Russo

DanPonjican said...

Oh it is soooo good to see all my friends! I miss you all so much!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.